Day 2

Today we took things a bit steadier (kinda). I managed to acquire some free paving slabs so we went to pick them up and sat them on top of some weed suppressant membrane with some gravel we’d acquired from a friend who was clearing his drive way to make space for a veg plot. By the end of the day we had 2/3 of a path. When we’ve got some cash we’re going to get some boards in to turn them into raised beds and we’ll put some more gravel in but until then at least we can get to the shed and back when it’s wet without too much difficulty. We cut back the dead wood from the raspberries and tied them back and harvested the rhubarb.

Tomorrow the kids go back to school so i’m going to get down to the allotment to plant some more seeds and am also hoping to transplant some seedlings which are currently in my stepsons bedroom into larger newspaper pots. We’ve not got as much time in future weekends as we have this as we normally chase around after kids dancing and football most Saturdays and it’s rare we’d ever get a full weekend off.

Really get the lifestyle. Seeing people, getting fresh air, working together as a team, hearing the kids excitement as they find yet another worm and getting out of the house is doing us all some good. Packing up a days stuff for a trip down there is really good fun. Like having a beech hut I guess šŸ™‚ Can’t wait until tomorrow when I can go down by myself. Going to take some of my painting stuff as well I think so I can have a break and do a bit of that as well. Just need a little table down there so when the weather is nice I can do my course work.

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